Why You Don't Want to Live a Comfortable Life
For a decade now I have worked on being comfortable with being uncomfortable. I seek out discomfort on a daily basis. I like to live in a place I call The Discomfort Zone. Why? Why not be comfortable where I am? There are two reasons.

"I just want to live a comfortable life."
I'm sure you've heard this before.
Perhaps you've said it yourself...
If you're reading this article, by definition you've won The Birth Lottery.
You have the internet, a device to access it and the free time to read for pleasure.
The vast majority of the world does not have this.
This article is not for them. Discomfort is forced upon them on a daily basis.
This article is for those who can choose between comfort or discomfort, and go with the former.
"Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life." - Susan David
Being comfortable is the recipe for a stagnant life of unfilled potential.
Today we'll learn why being uncomfortable is good for you and 5 ways to live in the Discomfort Zone.
For a decade now I have worked on being comfortable with being uncomfortable.
I seek out discomfort on a daily basis. I like to live in a place I call The Discomfort Zone.
Why? Why not be comfortable where I am?
There are two reasons.