Doctor to doctor bespoke coaching to plan your practice and find time to unwind

Doctor to doctor bespoke coaching to plan your practice and find time to unwind
"Ours is a team sport, but with two key differences from the kinds with lighted scoreboards: the stakes are people's lives and we have no coaches." - Atul Gawande

Doctors are expected to coach themselves. We have no one else to help us through our struggles. But because we know how to help our patients, doesn't mean that we always know how to help ourselves.

Fulfilling your responsibilities at work, while also having time for yourself can feel like a fantasy for driven doctors with busy practices and family lives. This is because we spent thousands of pounds on training, but not one penny was spent on teaching us how to manage the most valuable asset we have - our time.

I’ve spent years learning how to be more effective at work so I can have more quality time at home. Using this knowledge I have become an author, attracted an audience of over 10,000 people through writing online, and worked full-time as a neurosurgeon. All the while raising two small girls and not missing any important moments at home.

And you can do the same.

Avoid burnout and the hundreds of hours needed to figure out which of the many time management systems work in the real world for doctors.

At the end of our time together you will have a tailored strategy to to plan your practice, have time to yourself and quality time with your family. All with the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything is in hand.

Quickly, you will no longer be overwhelmed by endless demands on your time and attention, constantly putting out fires and low-level anxiety from hundreds of unread emails about patient care. In the long term, the frustration of not having time to yourself will disappear as you become more effective with your time.

My guarantee - If by the end of our time together we do not achieve your goals I'll give you 50% of your fee back. The only question I'll ask is how I could do better for my next client.

To accelerate your progress you will get a free copy of my book, Work Less Live More. It is a practical step-by-step guide for busy doctors to effectively use their time. As a neurosurgeon, I spent hundreds of hours testing time management principles in real life. Many of them didn't survive first contact with a busy day in the hospital. The ones that did made it into the book.

Come and join other consultant doctors and surgeons who have learnt how to leverage AI to work at the top of their qualifications and make the most of their time, at work, and home.

Frequently asked questions

Who are you?
My name is Adi Kumar. I'm a neurosurgeon working in the UK. From my struggles, I've written a book to help other doctors achieve their goals and look after themselves simultaneously. You can learn more about me here.

Who is your ideal client?
The ideal person for me to help is a consultant doctor, surgeon or GP with a busy practice and a life outside work that they want to improve. They should have an open mind, be willing to test new ideas and reflect on the outcomes.

Who do you not work with?
Medical students or doctors at the start of their training. This is because my suggestions require autonomy over your work pattern and how you organise your administrative work.

Who do you not want to work with?
Though I'm happy to share my strategies to help any doctor, I do not want the free time we create to be a space to be filled with more work. This is a recipe for burnout.

How many people do you work with?
The number varies depending on my schedule, but at most I can only work with 4 doctors at a time due to the time-intensive nature of preparing for our calls.

How long does coaching last?
Coaching is structured over 4 one-hour Zoom calls. The sessions can be weekly or two-weekly depending upon your schedule.

Do you have a system?
Yes. After coaching consultants across the UK common themes appear. I have made a system to address these in a step-wise fashion in each call. However, I am always open to being flexible in the content of our sessions depending on your goals.

How do we start?
I want to make sure that I can help you, so the first step is a 30-minute introductory call. I charge a nominal fee of £10 as from experience this improves attendance. If you proceed to coaching this is deducted from the final fee.

Once you sign up I will send you a simple questionnaire to learn more about you, where you are in your career, your life outside of work and what you want to achieve working together. I want our expectations to match from the start so you aren't disappointed.

What if I need to cancel a session at short notice?
That's no problem. I understand the at times hectic nature of our work. You will have my email address, phone number and a link to our planned calls to use for rescheduling.

Will you provide summaries of our meetings and action items?
Yes. I use AI to automate all my meeting notes. It will summarise what we've covered, our agreed actions and who is responsible for each. I'll also show you how can do this yourself for free.

Do you provide ongoing support after coaching?
Yes. One of the many joys I get out of coaching is meeting new people outside of my small field of neurosurgery. I am happy to be contacted after our coaching has ended with any questions.

What's your response time?
The same day for phone messages and 24 hours for emails.

What happens if I'm not satisfied with the outcome of our coaching?
If your expectations haven't been met you get 50% of your money back. The only question I'll ask is how I could do better for my next client.

I've read time management books/done courses, is this the same thing?
No. Some of what we cover originates from books and courses I've taken. However, all of it has been specifically tailored to work in the life of a practising doctor. All time management and productivity resources aim to make you more efficient to do more work. This won't be our goal. Our goal will be to get your work done, fulfil your responsibilities and most importantly, make time for you to look after yourself.

How much does coaching cost?
£399 for 4 one-hour sessions. This includes a free copy of my book Work Less, Live More to support your learning; a summary of each of our calls; and a Notion workspace I have created including AI prompts for you to automate your practice.

If you're ready to become more effective at work and create time to unwind at home, book your introductory call using the link below.

Introductory coaching call - Aditaya Kumar