#040 How you can take advantage of your Loser's Edge
We all have an edge to us. You might not see it, but you do. You can do things I will never be able to do.

"Kumar. That's an interesting name. North Indian?"
The neurosurgery consultant peered at me over his thick-rimmed glasses.
I nodded not knowing what to say. Not being particularly interesting, he turned away from me towards his registrar and started talking over the case that was about to start.
It was 2009 and I was a 4th-year medical student. I attended neurosurgery handovers and theatres in my spare time. I never spoke unless spoken to and was intimidated by every neurosurgery consultant I met.
The one that took an interest in me turned out to be incredibly friendly and well-respected. But I never asked him a single question because he was straight to the point and liked to swear a lot.
If I knew about The Loser's Edge at that time I might have opened my mouth a bit more.